Local farming systems in Uganda:


Local farming systems in Uganda are due to the climate of the area. 

 Teso system

  • The system is carried out in the region of Tororo and Teso.

  • The area has flat land with sandy loam soils.

  • Ox-plough cultivation is used.

  • Large number of animals are kept.

  • The area receives a monomodal rainfall pattern.

 Banana – Robusta coffee system

  • It is carried around the fertile Lake Victoria crescent in districts of Mukono, Mpigi, and Wakiso Kiboga etc.

  • It is characterized bimodal rainfall distribution.

  • The major cash crop is Robusta coffee and others include tea, sugar cane and vanilla. Major food crop is banana and other include sweet potatoes, cassava and maize.

  • Tractors and hoes are mainly used for cultivation.

  • Livestock keeping is also carried and dairy farming is taking root.

Banana millet cotton system

  • It is carried out in Tororo, Iganga, Hoima, Masindi and Kamuli.

  • The area experiences bimodal rainfall distribution pattern.

  • The soils are slit clay loams of medium fertility.

  • Major food crops are millet and banana. Cotton and tobacco are the major cash crops.

  • The system has more livestock compared to Banana Robusta coffee system


Northern system

  • It is carried out in Lango, Lira, Gulu, and Kitgum.

  • Major cash crops are cotton and tobacco and finger millet as food crop.

  • The area experiences a mono modal rainfall distribution pattern which favours the growing of annual crops.

  • Granaries are constructed to be used in storage of farm produce.

  • Communal land ownership is practiced. 

 West Nile system

  • It is practiced in north western Uganda.

  • It experiences a long heavy rainy season due to its nearness to Congo basin.

  • Cash crops like Arabic coffee is grown on highland and cotton and tobacco are grown on low lands.

  • Food crops include cassava, finger millet, simsim, cow peas, maize and beans.

  • Some cattle, goats and sheep are managed at subsistence level.

 Montane system

  • It is practiced in mountainous regions of Kigezi, Sebei, Mbale and Rwenzori.

  • Soils in these areas are fertile and deep. Some are volcanic soils.

  • Rainfall received is high and bimodal in distribution.

  • Major cash crop is Arabica coffee. Food crops include bananas, Irish potatoes, wheat, sweet potatoes and a variety of vegetables and legumes.

  • Contour ploughing and terracing are common methods of soil and water conservation.

  • Livestock rearing is also carried out in these areas though it is limited by topography and high population.

 Pastoral system

  • It is carried out by the pastoral tribes such as Karamojong and Bahima of Ankole.

  • A large number of cattle and goats of low quality are kept.

  • Little farming of annual crops such as millet, sorghum and maize is done.

  • Due to large herds kept, there is constant overgrazing, bush burning and random mating.

  • Occasionally they move with their animals from place to place in search of water and pasture.

  • Land is owned communally.

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